
短篇鬼故事 - 你哭了

2021-06-16 01:03:37 阅读 :












Introduce:To ghosts and gods my all along does not believe, serve as the youth having keep in mind of new era after all, of our believe in is a Marxism. However very good all the time to ghosts and gods I strange am really true however came up against an oddity solidly, let me must begin to believe perhaps true still there is sth fishy perhaps says soul on this world. That is me big 2 when, 51 labor day have a holiday come home. Outside awaiting old Mom and old father to be in in those days the ground, I went to home of mother's eldest sister. Mother's eldest sister broke an arm because of traffic accident, 51 when just leave hospital come home. Left hospital, mother's eldest sister called a few kin to come over have a meal together in the home. Everybody round round-table sit down begin to talk about the daily life of a family. The elder brother's wife of mother's eldest sister is a very superstitious person, probably 60 years old or so. Likelihood they person of that one generation is right ghost ah god ah like having a mystery devotional. In my native place, can call 8 every year or the old person of 10 meetings pray to Buddha comes knock in the home beat dozen of recite scriptures, make graph of lamp of all sorts of beautiful a shoe-shaped gold or silver ingot used as money in feudal China, lotus, Buddha be in etc with their a dab hand next I look extremely false big empty. Arrived every time next the family member's the anniversary of the death of a parent or the birthday of which immortal Bodhisattva can burn these things to them, be missed in order to express to theirs and awe-stricken. Because the person of older generation always believes the person that die is all the time in the home,close to caring living person accordingly, and Bodhisattva is to be able to bless them to be mixed in safety fund is wide enter. That day, everybody is chatting happily, abrupt mother's eldest sister cries greatly. Everybody carries not clear state temporarily, think mother's eldest sister aches because of the arm, begin inquire after sb's health. But everybody's greeting was used it seems that do not have. Mother's eldest sister is essential inaudible our speech is same, cry all the time, crying pattern is very erratic still. See her tear does not stop only flow, think conversation says the look that does not come out again, those who cry have bit of choking it seems that, what the face bilges is aglow. Everybody is confused at that time, but a person is very only sober look at. This person is the elder brother's wife of my mother's eldest sister. She is very quiet the ground says: "Be her body on Mom! " I believe there is sth fishy far from, my elder brother, the son of my mother's eldest sister also does not believe. The thing of the money before my brother says with me because do it,affirmation is, my mother's eldest sister is in snivel. The elder brother's wife of mother's eldest sister says then: "Before you see the appearance that she cries and Mom body exactly like, mom is to the word wants to say with us for certain, mom sees all of us also is thinking out to let us know. " say, mother's eldest sister stopped cry really, but do an individual or feel Mu Mu. That weird spectacle let attendant old people be astonished, besides I and my elder brother. Had done not have mother's eldest sister a little while to cry again, before mixing that time exactly like. At this moment, the elder brother's wife of mother's eldest sister runs into a kitchen to take a chopstick at once, next the talk about again and again in the mouth is worn what, begin to want

本文标题:你哭了 - 短篇鬼故事

上一篇:梦中的白衣公子 下一篇:布娃娃的诅咒


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