
故事大全 - 兰若心

2021-06-21 09:12:51 阅读 :



















Introduce:1. wood cannot be used make the iron bowl that cook, because it is not that makings,be, yi Ru, ning Caichen takes an examination of bos scholarly honour and official rank, also because he is not,that expects. He begins to take an examination of from 17 years old, take an examination of all the time, took an examination of 5 years continuously, connect a scholar to was not mixed on. Arrived now, he should see article of those eight -part essay only, giddy and disgusting, should spit the meal of the eve of the lunar New Year of three years ago almost come. Have many times, he wants to say to the mother, did not take an examination of, abandon Confucianism from business, even if receive Zhang technically but very much one is cover,—— Ning Caichen receives Zhang. Besides receive Zhang, he still has economic head very. For instance he has the plan of an indebted lifetime recently. His haunt 30 inside and outside green jade billows go receiving Zhang on the town of Lin Bei face, because this also knows many people on the town. Hear, the only daughter outside the member that there is the Nie of money most on the town dead, the woman that did not marry is cannot bury enters ancestral grave, cannot bury can become tough spirit of bad luck fetch into ancestral grave. Nie member outside love female heart is cut, want to do marriage of one picket dark to the daughter then. Want him to collect me to hold a spirit in the arms rather only Bai Baitang, be in Miss Nie bury again next oneself ancestral grave, can make Home Nie the son-in-law of be perfectly justifiable, outside the member that wait for Nie hundred years later, whole family property is his. But this thing however absolutely cannot follow his mother dehisce, stand before maternal bed every time, see her dish of move bound feet spins day and night weaving reads for oneself, like the meal of the eve of the lunar New Year that that word is like three years ago again, wear bowel and pass, all previous vanished completely via then of metempsychosis of a few worlds. "Chao Weitian abandons man, dusk enters the emperor hall " , this is the great expectations that the mother expresses him, also be them it seems that this kind of poor student's only outlet, the cattail gentleman that connects lofty and unyielding character of that a suit also cannot avoid custom. The mother often hangs cattail gentleman in mouth edge, and self-contradictory. She says a little while, gentleman of cattail of other people of your look look, 19 years old of scholars in be being taken an examination of, or 3 try the first! You should learn to cattail gentleman well! A little while she close lightly is worn the small mouth of furrow be overflowing with says, you should resemble cattail gentleman same, took an examination of fast 30 years, connect an a successful candidate in the imperial examinations at the provincial level in the Ming and Qing dynasties to take an examination of bos. Passed a little while, she says again, you learn to learn the perseverance of family cattail gentleman, saw a family be taken an examination of how many years! Cattail gentleman is openly teaching material of Ning Caichen, it is his opposite teaching material at the same time. He should be heard only " cattail gentleman " 3 words, fall with respect to the direct current in the ear that can wherefrom of a complaint gave birth to a callosity, enter atrium continuously, all over uneasy. Occasionally, he wishs " cattail gentleman " this individual disappears from the world immediately, oh not, exact say, he wishs " cattail gentleman " this individual never has existed —— of course, his desire did not come true, otherwise we cannot

本文标题:兰若心 - 故事大全

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