
故事大全 - 第八计

2021-06-25 16:03:33 阅读 :














”太阳神和铁钩打这个赌,其实是’明修栈道,暗度陈仓‘,他真正的目的,是抢劫这次比赛所设的外围赌场,这次赌局设得很大,而且又都是现金现场交易,如果他得逞了,起码可以抢到几千万!这个老狐狸,自己找人打伤自己,自己还派人在赌场里投了现钱,就是为了撇清,让人家认为他也是受害者,跟这事儿没关系,机关算尽啊!“赵昱森冷笑着, ”可惜的是,警察早就等在那儿,把赌场和匪徒来了个一网打尽,就算那些人不把他供出来,这件丑闻也传得天下皆知了。现在警察盯着他,仇家也盯着他,他的日子可要难过哦!还有,我已经帮你报了警,警察会保护你们的,如果他来动你,就是自投罗网,罪加一等,不过我想,现在就算他有这个心,也没这个力了。“


赵昱森摇着头: ”是兄弟就不要说谢。“





”瀚哥,你怎么想到’太阳神‘是醉翁之意不在酒呢?“周宜鸿一脸崇拜地看着荣瀚, ”你怎么会知道他其实是在打那些地下赌场的主意?要是你算错了,那些警察可是要找你麻烦,告你浪费警力资源的哦!“


荣瀚也笑着在凤薇的头上轻轻拍了一下: ”你这丫头的嘴是越来越厉害了!“



”不!“赵昱森一面摇着头,一面擦去眼角的泪痕, ”手术很成功,孩子已经醒了,她还冲着我笑……她笑起来,真像她妈妈一一那个时候我忽然觉得,为了这一笑,做什么都是值得的。“

Introduce:1 after seeing Ma Qiaoyu, zhao Yu dark decides to help Ma Zhipeng resolve his trouble. Ma Qiaoyu is Ma Zhipeng's daughter, this year 7 years old, suffer from kidney function exhaustion, at present is about to die the ground lies in the hospital to await kidney source. Market price 300 thousand, still do not include an operation to be expended inside. However Ma Zhipeng's trouble is not money however, the account that this lets Zhao Yu dark headache just about always cannot spend money one by one the trouble that resolve, it is the awfullest trouble. "If such thing is encountered before, I can say it doesn't matter is alarming, rot anyway life, " the hand that Ma Zhipeng is holding cigarette is trembling, sound also is trembling: "But they connect artful rain to also be not let off now, although do not know the operation is can successful, but only should one extension meets me to cannot abandon. I want her well subsist, I had promised her mother, I had killed a the closest person, I cannot kill my daughter dead again! I cannot …… " Ma Zhipeng is a —— of very outstanding hand of professional racing bicycle but because ever participated in illegal racing bicycle a few times and contest be stoppinged. In the day that does not have income, he is forced to rely on these illegal racing bicycle again in order to gain income, as a result of outstanding skill, win championship frequently unexpectedly, jump over defect accordingly however deeper one by one all these considers swallow to give an accident suddenly till his wife gone, his daughter is sufferred from to kidney function fails by check fish again, painful the Ma Zhipeng that loses a dear one ability long narrow flag like that penitent, the decision collects a hand at this point. Treat a disease to give a daughter, he had sold racing car, lose a family fortune to beg a daughter not to have a thing in safety only, what can not think of is, be in this crucial moment, he received two very strange letters unexpectedly, and these two letters ask he does a thing to enter secret car one by one contest is called this one by one " extremely fast night " the match will be after a month hold, place and specific time are temporarily confidential, inform separately. But different is, same field match, a letter asks he wins, a letter asks he is defeated. The same day of the letter is received in Ma Zhipeng, on his bank account much two a huge sum of money, every brushstroke is 300 thousand. Zhao Yu dark looks at two letters carefully. It is to print come out, the meaning is crisp also, the 300 thousand pay that are a half, win the match to get monetary reward of other in part, if play away match perhaps did not take part in the match with any reason, include take flight, fall ill, get hurt or be accident, he can pay bigger cost —— for this the life that this cost is Ma Zhipeng and his daughter, even if is Ma Zhipeng gone before contest, the daughter that he won't let off like these people one by one

本文标题:第八计 - 故事大全

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