
故事大全 - 引魂灯

2021-07-10 10:00:47 阅读 :















Introduce:[day collect] this night, exceptionally black, the moon that is hanged high in the top of head is the shadow with bronze-coloured round circle, shed the light of next ambiguous and dim rust red. In block of flats, remain only very few a few windows still give light fully, and the lamp that stays in that in 6 buildings is to shine everyday almost of one night, not exceptional also today. The light in the house is not quite actually bright, all illuminant are centered in desk lamp of the —— in the study and several computer screen and road by implement on twinkling light. Xie Chen sits before computer, double eye is staring at screen closely, there is a cup of coffee to still risking steam on the desk, send out a full-bodied aroma, in the ashtray on the side crowded butt. He rubs dry and aglow eye, one not careful drag in aches he is continuously to cut grin, extend left hand desk lamp next looking at, whole ring finger is it seems that be given to cut off by what, the gauze that wrapping up had done not have bloodstain, cut should recover from an illness almost, but look the hope that has done not have replantation of severed limb, anguish swoon, and he still is staring at himself break point to a long time. Good play oneself feeling not easily, xie Chen is worn coffee ate a yoke to send. It is on screen of a few computer it is base with black, the white line with complex numerous and complicated draws the outline of various outline above, if somebody is not Changshu all to this city landform, about the same can the outline that make out is whole town actually then. And there is very much red place between white line outline, red dot is linked together with dotted line enclothed whole city, defend like film, resemble surveillant eye again. Xie Chen had defended several nights, empty-handed however. Dull during, he chose a paragraph of video that intercepts and capture before a few months again. He can leave this paragraph of video, because appeared several cases to hurt person incident continuously to be suddenly before a few months in city,be, regard a profession as the hacker, actually he also holds out the Eight Diagrams, pry people one's secrets of what is common occurrence. After just seeing the incident injuring a person that publishs on newspaper when him, want a few blacker the video material around when, the kinescope that discovers all around monitoring by person Qing Dynasty empty. When producing event, the police can be investigated really obtain evidence, before their crack a criminal case everybody also won't know what to produce after all, the plan of crack a criminal case is a mystery more. But mix this however differ as one used to do, not any official information, report this the newspaper of incident also is made stop, the person that hurt repeatedly is sent a hospital to undertake keeping apart cure by the police, heavy doubtful point ticks off the curiosity that had him to cannot accuse oneself, be in eventually he will " eye " when spreading all over whole town, some day in the evening, intercepted and capture this paragraph of video. In video one useful paragraph has 78 minutes only it seems that: Deep

本文标题:引魂灯 - 故事大全

上一篇:勾魂伞 下一篇:绞刑架之我谋杀了我


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