
故事大全 - 戏中戏

2021-07-17 09:52:19 阅读 :











Introduce:1. crooked is person of paper person, clay figurine, wood, porcelain person, brocade person or waxwork person without giving thought to to death, I believe they are a mean person that has the spirit. In the still of night when, dance of their meeting start, sing a song, the grapefruit bender in their hand becomes from the solid that dry up flaxen sending out the liquid with grapefruit sweet wine, be done by dentist the small porcelain person of a tubal cure is met Yi prattles ah the ground calls up to ache. Once,can be day break, they conceal their world craftily, no matter how we are alluring, they are niminy-piminy. This is a paragraph of word that when the route is adjuring Zhang Yude to receive him to be apprentice, says. Heard most person perhaps can feel road not quite normal, he is mocked to say by with respect to somebody at that time, if one day you die in the home mysteriously, can you say be those there is the spirit a mean person that come over alive killed you? Big foolish egg. However Zhang Yude uses a facial expression, that one word that the way is saying moved deeply he. Zhang Yude is a name that is forgotten, because everybody calls him Lilliputian piece, this byname sounds strange at odds, resembling is wear in abduct curved name-calling, but actually this is everybody a kind of affirmation to his craft. A mean person that Zhang Yude does, arrive from modelling chromatically, show originality, lifelike. His manual service also very human nature is changed, can make the Lilliputian appearance that wants in their memory according to the client's requirement. The young couple that always has a lot of or lover come patronage his small shop, ask to be made according to the face of themselves exactly like Lilliputian, the business in his inn is so good all the time. Zhang Yude's most special place still depends on his rich imagination. Other craftsman master just does a mean person of a few independence mostly, now and then the mood also can match partner of on a few family to them very much, and a mean person that Zhang Yude won't let his at hand is alone, he gives them family member, friend not only, still give them sweet fossa, design their profession and life, every Lilliputian has his independent world. When the road is coming to small shop of Zhang Yude for the first time, by this another distinct Lilliputian world was attracted. Those who make Lu Zhengyin elephant the deepest is that a little weird Lilliputian world, the popularly of feminine float cadaver of long skirt of white of a dress is lying go up in the ground, grew long hair to obscure her face, her all round without any buildings, only the person of come and go is passed beside her, these philtrum have those who placing attache case to hurry on with one's journey, the edge walks along an edge to call, also have those who say josh laugh, crouch a private parts to see a woman without the person alone only. The road is asking Zhang Yude strangely to say, boss, this woman how? She died. Zhang Yude's one's voice in speech just fell, the lamp in small shop is abrupt black dropped, fresh gale comes from the insufflate outside the window, blew cover

本文标题:戏中戏 - 故事大全


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