
故事大全 - 玉琀蝉

2021-07-18 09:50:45 阅读 :

PaRT 07













Introduce:PaRT01 " attack Chi …… " a ghastly little hand thorn cuts film, suddenly explore come out, resemble a sharp knives, catching the air of damp and hot unfruitfully in the air. Another little hand breaks the film with burnt sticky forcibly, greasy small head was squeezed demandingly from inside come out, the adhesion posse group is suspicious-looking mucus on wet hair. Eyeball is rolling slowly in the double at present of lock, eyelash is blinked demandingly, still open an eye without effort however. "Bang —— " little boy is being grown dropped to come down from inside film, resemble the locust that defeat chrysalis only and gives, effeminate and faint. Moon was appeared from inside black clouds come out, illuminate in dim house, hang on the ceiling that this ability sees a room full cicada is aurelian bubble of same elliptical shape bursa. In translucent film, faint look get the person look inside, or year young, or young, have male have female, double arm is holding knee in the arms, the head is buried in knee to crouch into posse. As their breath and heartbeat, filmy slightly shakily, emerge moving, like the new life that all awaiting that defeat chrysalis and gives, was full of weird aesthetic feeling. Little boy is crooked damp head, carry the mucus on hand erasure face, expended whacker effort to just open double eye, confused ground is visitting this dim house, what to remember eventually like, corners of the mouth pulls a inflexible smile. Almost at the same time, he begins rock to begin foot, groggy go outside, but whole body however very not harmonious, be the same as a foot with the hand several paces, not quite up to the mark falls. After walking out of a house, ability stabilized his pace to come down eventually. Lively expression was shown on his face, brandishing forcibly arm, accelerate pace to go faster more, ran actually finally. Moon is illuminated on his little damp sign, finally, little boy has turned round to come weird laugh, disappear in the dim light of night. I am covering the mouth, hide in lunar shadow, frighten so that chatter all over, be born forcedly in be born to press terrified shriek in throat. Abrupt, transmitted the sound of Fu of Fu of Fu of a Fu rear, I had turned round to go suddenly, thrill through of a black line, forehead transmits a pang, I double genu one soft, heavy ground fell to go down. [! - - Empirenews.page- - ] PaRT02 " how long be returned after all? " I am pressing a horn ferociously, become angry on the muddy canal that does not have one person for nothing. "Fast. " the green that Qin Xiumin is looking at the stretch to the horizon outside the window, I cannot see her that pair of beautiful eyes. If not be her,point to a road, I do not know completely to leave toward wh which direction, the navigator of jeep lost action already, I suspect

本文标题:玉琀蝉 - 故事大全


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