
故事大全 - 荒山夜宴

2021-07-24 10:03:04 阅读 :



























Introduce:An added ingredient has a long-distance station in the edge outside the urban district, people often builds a car to go here a mountainous area excurse of nearly 100 kilometers spends northwest face on the weekend. Pedestrian person is much, the report that be missing often also can be in newspaper appears between the message of the Eight Diagrams of the 8th edition. About one year ago, enter mountain pass two lis can faint smell alimental aroma, the fresh fruit that pink having sugar and alcohol cooperate to fall is boiled slow in slow fire in after bones and muscles is fatigued and weak sweet sweet; The dough that mixed butter is in ingle is roast those who fall to till burst forth after crisp skin,expand gradually is warm sweet; Have all sorts of flesh kind in pan " Zhi Zhi " the aroma that decoct appeared; More it is your person the one heart below Wen Zhi gives birth to curiosity the ineffable fragrance that times feeling is obsessed with. It is like forever have be like the hover that do not have the ground to be in this lush and green hill, sometimes smell is gotten long even cannot say has this taste really, perhaps be people only chronic psychedelic. This flavour became a puzzle it seems that, became the one part of this hill. 1, of a certain dusk afternoon, 3 youths go on hill road. One apparels fashionable girl, two boys, build one tall one short. Leave a garrison post child before, accost of shop counterjumper good intention crosses them not to enter hill so late, danger does not say, be puzzled more easily by big hill lost a way. But they are so prideful that they did not acknowledge even he, without consulting anyone sets foot on hill road hurriedly. Looking them is well-prepared, entering hill also is not a journey. "How can he live in this kind of bird not the place of shit! " Yang Yu of tall person boy is taking map of draw of a hand to go in foremost face, go at the same time at the same time gropingly road is complaining. "Be, connect a serious way to be done not have. " the hill stone that dance of luxuriant girl Zheng is stepping on sole painfully to fall. In 3 people, have Xue Xiang of boy of a short person only not throat, walk merely. He not be in a hurry, he also has the map, actually 3 people received same hand draw map, still have an invitation at the same time: Letter requesting an audience two come round to attend the banquet in the future. They know the person that sends invitation, put down the thing on the hand to come round to go to an appointment so. Curtain of night arrives, 3 dog-tired people were in the place with the thickest woods to see the Xiaolou of brightly lit of a lights eventually, peculiar enthusiasm is shown in the hill of inky hush. Wait for them to approach again some, the master Zhou Zheng that sees Xiaolou is in place of an arch over a gateway to waiting to receive them. Look at their tired out appearance, the eye since week Zheng narrow one's eyes is smiling to say: "Enter please, enter please. " enter Xiaolou, what Zheng dance a bit does not have be a guest is cabined, as if like be in him home, she takes off next coat conveniently to cast Zhou Zheng, go directly sit down comfortably by table, admiring what oneself do newly to set at the same time get crystal nail, place the model that waits to serve at the same time. Xue Xiang very

本文标题:荒山夜宴 - 故事大全

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