
故事大全 - 锁匠

2021-07-30 10:01:01 阅读 :


















Introduce:One I bend over to go up in the table, study the key in beginning sedulously. My experience crosses a lot of grotesque keys, however this key, more resembling is a conveniently and bed handicraft. Spoon body has 10 centimeters long, inadequacy is half centimeters wide, appear to be able to be broken forcibly a little. Spoon ages more resembling is the metal that kink becomes a group, a turn was extended into gyroidal cusp come out, showing cold light. According to weight judgement, its material is not aluminium to be not copper character, resembling is some kind of alloy. I discover the extreme of spoon handle has a very little button, pressed gently, accompanying the metallic attrition sound of chilly, spoon ages unexpectedly all and retractive spoon body. Another is pressed, it was gotten out with extremely slow rate again, resembling is a crafty and suspicious serpent. I sighed, put it aside, the line of sight transfers the kit to the side. There is a tool in the case, some is so long like the chopstick, some is smallish be like embroider needle, it is all sorts of opening that lock up and make a lock tool that grandfather leaves. Play an accident besides what get these ordinary people do not have a predestined relationship to must see all one's life almost, I also acceded incidentally the renown date of locksmith. Parents dies early, grandfather leaves the world 3 years ago, I am careless now. If is not blamed congenital heart disease, I should be about the university graduated. Any intense stimulation wanted do sth to a person possibly my life, accordingly I can stay in the home to be companion with the lock only. Say like grandfather place really probably nevertheless, I am having breathtaking talent to this craft, every time the lock of iciness of my finger bring into contact with and key, the person can become extremely unruffled. However this key before let me feel however fretted. Be said according to Du Yi, 7 years ago, she little brother of 8 years old opens a door with this key, went in, from now on the world evaporates. Prevent the cummer before depending on be me, medical university the student of 3 grade. We interacted two years a month 6 days. I spent half an year, although a birdie depends on a person,just discover her name is medium according to the word, but be surnamed however,put an end to prevent. Put an end to depend on imply independence self-improvement, but also often be stubborn and capricious synonym. She is cold to my ignore the manner that heats up suddenly, make me feel get along honest too tired, when she puts forward to part company, I felt a kind even relaxed. She disappeared a few months, appear in me again before when, brought a difficult problem to me: Build the lock that gives to be able to be opened with this key before. Experienced 7 years of make a futile effort search, the body of her father broke down, get a severe disease be admitted to hospital. She begins to believe mysterious force: It is then probably can the lock that open different spends a space, can discover the whereaboutldirection of her little brother from this probably. "When the display in the home and little brother are missing exactly like, so do even if

本文标题:锁匠 - 故事大全

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