
故事大全 - 玄异故事之全面回忆

2021-08-16 09:46:31 阅读 :



















Introduce:AcT.1 parts company from I and Zhou Xiaoya had gone more than 100 hours. In these more than 100 hours, her hand mechanism machine, QQ do not go up line, all connection means is not contacted on she. I am none afraid nevertheless, because be troubled by every time,part company she such. Ego since two love, we had been been troubled by did not part company below 10 times. Zhou Xiaoya this girl is very excited, head often turns to be bent nevertheless. I am used to her early also. Face this kind of situation commonly, I am to let week of him girl well sober, pass a few days, herself is met come back. Just as one would expect, after 7 days, I still am in by sleep in the nest, phone ring rang. I had taken a mobile phone to look, it is Zhou Xiaoya's number. "Hello? " " I feel somebody wants to kill me! " did not wait for me to make call, she says with excited sound. "Was detected by you eventually? That is the person that I send! " I say. "I did not joke with you. " the in sad earnest says Zhou Xiaoya: "3 days ago, a few strange people appear in me the home is downstair, at the beginning I still think is hobo, but have twice go out I just detect they are to monitoring it seems that I. I eat food taken late at night to come back in a day of night, from beginning to end the individual follows in my back, fortunately I swung him cannily, otherwise …… psyched out me that really. " saying, zhou Xiaoya cried unexpectedly: "I think you. " " is what you say true? " I most the cry that hears not to get Zhou Xiaoya, she cries, I am softhearted. Listen to her tone, absolutely unlike is to say lie, I rise alertly instantly. "True. " " did not call the police? " " call the police what is used, I do not have practical evidence again, I just feel very incorrect interest these days, always feel those a few people have what purpose to me, but do not catch again active. " so say, everything still is him Zhou Xiaoya only guess and feel. Nevertheless, the woman feels in Chang Min of this respect dispute. If stranger tries to harm them, they always can be aware of for a short while. Hear Zhou Xiaoya's asp voice, no matter be true somebody,I think conspire against the law, I should stand. "Where are you now? " " sister home is expressed in me, I dare not live in him house. " Zhou Xiaoya says, "Come I express elder sister on the road here, I seem to see a car follows at the back of me, plate number is 9527. " " good, are not afraid of, my horse comes up! " I get up quickly, be disinclined to clear away bed cotton-padded mattress, change good clothing to rush down a building at a heat, drive to be hurried to toward home of Zhou Xiaoya that express elder sister. Nearly half hour was spent on the road. Express elder sister in me when the home is downstair, I made a telephone call to her, but, the phone closes machine. My demur is done not have

本文标题:玄异故事之全面回忆 - 故事大全


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