
故事大全 - 骨柴镇

2021-08-22 09:39:33 阅读 :




















Introduce:1 all round the desert that extensive land is desolation, the geographical condition that bone bavin presses down is very special. Actually the environment all round was destined a conclusion, bone bavin town is the villages and towns with a backward economy. Can say, ride in the act as a tyrant VIPs on people head besides those in the town, the ordinary common people of the others is very poor, get thoroughly basic it is to be in horizontal on. The person photograph of the person that the life presses down in bone bavin and other place is compared, the petty gain that can take exclusively died to be able to discharge cremate to expend later namely. Circumference of bone bavin town does not see crematory hundreds of lis, basically be inhumation is advocated energetically on the town, and allow the dead be buried only, forbid to use bier encoffin. The reason is here ground wide person is rare, the desert is rampant, gone person is buried in subterranean can yet be regarded as a kind of good fertilizer, can stimulate the growth of wild flower weed, have commendable afforest effect. If the the dead is put in bier, this absorbs nutrient adequately with respect to land of be a hindrance to. Take afforest seriously very much on the town, otherwise have more than is needed a few years, the sand blown by wind of the indulge in wilful persecution on desert beach is not a bone bavin to press down bury cannot. The stock raising development that bone bavin presses down is a piece of white paper almost, because always eat grass,cause is therein kind Chai Zhen of domestic animals bone is uniform prohibit raising, what ox ah sheep ah cannot be stoutly on the town appear, run in case circumjacent desert beach eats weed. For the bone bavin town of sanded to often fizzling out all over the sky, weed is just as savage euqally rare, strengthening protection so is natural. Of course, in view of human rights problem, eat grass kind domestic animals also can appear with another kind of form, that is the formal swagger through the street with pet. Nevertheless this has strict restriction, say every are made only at most for example raise, grain ration problem is not damaging circumstance of bone bavin town and its periphery vegetation to issue proper motion to solve by feeder, commendatory settlement means is to buy the vegetable of market to come feed. Additional, if of this kind of pet goes out, feeder must resemble fasten dog covering good chain on neck euqally, severe add guard, once gnaw,feed the vegetation such as weed, once relevant personage discovers, do not leave feelings absolutely, pull shambles butcher directly. Press down a particular code to have deterrence sex more to allow this bone a surname, a leader offers the proposal of an extremely cruel even, that is, if the pet eating grass of whose home has inside bone Chaizhen limits,gnaw the behavior that feeds vegetation, the trunk talk that after capturing, should attend in the town undertakes parade sb through the streets, seeing a cat with ancient time next cut out half jins, seeing a dog cut the criminal law of put to death by dismembering the body of 39 to put to death its. The leading group that this proposal is pressed down to go up later is serious delibrate 3 months, final because too too cruel and fail to pass. Another leader is right at that time contend for level with the guidance that offers this proposal, so unwilling give the impression of weakness, put forward to violating a law

本文标题:骨柴镇 - 故事大全


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