
故事大全 - 古代鬼故事:鬼门关

2021-09-08 10:07:48 阅读 :


















Introduce:One revive sleeve the trouble that has a somnambulate. Her father is prefectorial adult of place, how to say she also is a young lady of a thousand pieces of gold. But somnambulate does not identify honour low, revive sleeve the defect that does not have method to cast off somnambulate. Like the person of a lot of somnambulate, revive sleeve it is not to know oneself at first often of somnambulate, when getting up everyday because of her, sleep on him bed, do not have the appearance that has gone out in the evening completely. The says the sky has somnambulate of a canal actually look of fortune-telling, he is to want to take you to go to a place. Revive sleeve do not believe. Of somnambulate much, total meeting contains a few traces. Revive sleeve clay is stained with on the trousers that can see his occasionally, or be a cut is gashed to come on arm. Just had not given what major issue, revive sleeve also do not care. The person of somnambulate actually most those who be afraid of is to do not have there's still time to come home to wake. This moment they go up in the road, meet with of a dense mass of, static exceptionally. Cool wind hover is beside, resembling is to want clutch to live oneself neck. You are done is not cliff before Qing Dynasty, beast of prey is had at the back of or, alone a person, cry not to answer every day, ground making the land is ineffective. Revive sleeve the accident omen that did not have what spy to fasten in the evening that day. She shops with the daughter that tells seat of government by day, a bit tired, eat dinner to sleep early so. That day in the evening revive sleeve somnambulate gets early, still had done not have midnight she gave a door. She goes all the time, reach which place bend, come up against branch road mouth to want to choose which to, all these is being controlled by a kind of eccentric consciousness it seems that, revive sleeve just keep going accordingly. such, revive sleeve the home that leaves oneself is further and further. The sun has climbed the top of head, but mountain forest because of Gu Shu enclothing still is shady and cool very. Revive sleeve below an ancient banyan the station is decided, she woke suddenly, the body suddenly quaky. Where is this? Between instantly revive sleeve the unfavorable situation that understood oneself. She removed gooseflesh all over, sat suddenly on the ground to cry. The ground is damp, taking the breath of a kind of Yin Han. Leave all around full flower, not famous, some is bright red the blood that drips as flowing in the body. The person falls down total meeting to become firm in difficult environment. Revive sleeve cry tired, check explore toward 4 direction. She discovers in tuft bramble Cong Zhongshu is worn a monument. Revive sleeve hearten go pulling those bramble, the thorn lacerate on branch her arm, blood ooze come out. When revive sleeve pull those bramble aside when, she saw the word on monument. The word is black, effeminate calligraphy or drawing more buy barpque flavour —— danger spot. Revive sleeve looked up and down subliminally later all around. Her body is tightened up together, appear in the head " buzz " the ground rang

本文标题:古代鬼故事:鬼门关 - 故事大全


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