
故事大全 - 三生石

2021-09-10 10:32:21 阅读 :

















Introduce:"Elder sister, here is very black ah …… " " do not be afraid of, had been met a little while too. " " here is very strange, why can we come to this place? " " because of our …… " I choke with sobs, raw uncultivated land that " dead " the word was swallowed. Didn't you remember really? That traffic accident that just produces, sit retrospective we two people, in pairs was cast go out. "Does father mother still have a grandma? " " I think, are they returned above …… " " above? " " right. Above. " " ah! " the unfavorable situation that she understood herself eventually, aphonia cry in fear is worn, attack in my bosom. "Do not want, elder sister, do not want, I am not dead! " I am laughing at stroke her soft hair: "Foolish the child, what be afraid of, we go out together from here at the outset, not be to agree, come back together even? " she suddenly quiet, as if what to remember: "At the outset? Agreement? " " look, you soup of mother-in-law of that bowl of the first month is too thick, what forgot? " I am smiling, play her hand, "Be written down really? We had had a 3 unripe agreements! " she is blinking an eye, exert all one's strength the ground thinks. "I take you to look. " I am pulling her to go forth, buoyant, do not take a wind. We come to the front of a dark and top big stone all the time, she suddenlies wake up: "3 unripe stone? " I nod: "Can account the sansei love reason of everybody. Our, also above. " the one side of stone is connected gradually rise fully, dark stone side becomes glittering and translucent —— above that, the predestined relationship border that those who engrave is us is met. She holds the hand that tightened me in spite of oneself, although I had turned empty into clever appearance, but from the heart, still can " feeling " those making " aching " . "Our preexistence too too ages ago, you were forgotten, also be should. " I point to her to look, "Await in those days, what we know is love, muddle-headed spent dejected and dreary lifetime, when we wake up to reality, we the affection of that generation predestined relationship already finish. Oath is complained below our hair so, accompany of 3 unripe sansei travels together, find that individual, …… " her now.. laughs bashfully: "Be, I as if recalled, that generation, we are not sisters, however also sister of be better than. " lukewarm embellish of 3 unripe stone is like jade, past of that the past, engrave in preexistence of the —— on its awesomely " shade of this palace within is angry too fill, blame curse heavily, especially our slow-witted this place …&helli

本文标题:三生石 - 故事大全

上一篇:长着七个头的怪蛇 下一篇:伏都娃娃


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