
故事大全 - 小镇亡魂

2021-10-22 09:33:44 阅读 :

尾声 安息之地










Introduce:The first Zhang Xiaozhen fokelore is on an out-of-the-way and ghastly small town, circulating a such bloodcurdling are fabulous, everyday at night before dawn a bit, total meeting somebody sees all over drenched white garment girl, wander to in the street of deathly stillness on, the part that spends can leave the water mark of the dreariness like a cuss accord with. Ever eyewitness says, the girl the dress of that body white is looked like is a cloth that wrap cadaver, searching above of what person …… from door to door it seems that the horror of this noctivagant girl is fabulous, it is night tide after coming to new class, first time and classmate talk about climate to hear the story that come, became famous very in place, although barpque, however by many people deeply be convinced. Because be in early 10 years before, place has produced sad accident one case really, divested 6 years old of girls life. A summer 10 years ago, taking daughter of 6 years old to come to this small town to young couple, they are the wedding that will join an old fellow student originally, how can also think of, they left forever here actually oneself daughter. After the marriage banquet of crowded ado passes, that went around whole town to also look for the child that is less than that to the couple, signed up for to local public security bureau alarm. However after two hours pass, they wait those who come is the daughter drowns however dying sad news of the death. After the event, the answer that police gives out is unexpected death, but that feels to the couple very odd, because children is all along clever sensible, impossible do sth without authorization runs to the side of the river to go amuse oneself, besides still is in a completely new place. Hear of later, the child's mother is depressed after two years of the accident and that is dead, the child's father also misses from now on, a happy and perfect family was destroyed thoroughly so. Begin to circulate on this small town the story of this You Hun, be in the girl after dying before long, and be in next in 6 years of time, every other can have a boy one year in water be addicted to dies, date is the girl of the anniversary of the death of a parent that day, so people guesses, that dies fetch is in those days that gone girl, the person that dies in succession later also is medium certainly her curse. Before coming to small town, night tide lives in a circumjacent in big city, because parents goes,** is raised religion, she is sent temporarily, entered place exclusively a focal point is high medium study. Night tide is an appearance effeminate, the girl with not tall stature, complexion always is very cadaverous, looking like is a pair of appearance that is about to fall ill. But what because of her facial features grows is very delicate, the tenderness with special also nature is accessibly, regard a join a class in the middle of the course as the student, got very quickly however everybody's welcome. Night tide also likes the new fellow student of this class very, be in short of the week when

本文标题:小镇亡魂 - 故事大全

上一篇:噩梦 下一篇:疯狂的实验


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