
故事大全 - 镜子里的世界

2021-07-20 09:09:50 阅读 :


























Introduce:The black mole Chen Li on the face goes seeing the mirror is taken out to illuminate on the road of boy friend bissextile, the plan fills makeup, do not illuminate do not know, illuminate frighten jump, did not know when to grow the mole of a black on her face, chen Li is felt, of the very hard, point to dig or dig out with a finger or sth pointed with the hand dig or dig out with a finger or sth pointed, dig or dig out with a finger or sth pointed is not moved. Chen Li puts the looking glass far look, really ugly! How do this still see male friend, then she decides to return her dormitory. All the way, chen Li is covering face, avoiding the look of others as far as possible, how should she handle this mole after missing a living quarter, do not have method really, she would rather be cut with fingernail cut off it! Return a dormitory, chen Li moved back and forth a little while again to the mirror, she feels that mole seemed to greaten a bit. Chen Li moved back and forth a little while fingernail is cut, still cannot leave a hand finally, she simply without giving thought to, perhaps itself will disappear tomorrow. When coming back, Guo Xiaomei made acoustical call with Chen Li, nevertheless Chen Li responds her without idea. Originally the relation of two people is not very harmonious, of Guo Xiaomei fine-looking than her more get the better of one prepare, can mention even bissextile from time to time she, although be inadvertently, overturn resembles in Chen Li heart acetic altar is euqally uncomfortable. When sleeping in the evening, chen Li wakes from inside the dream, she feels her face is very urticant, her dig or dig out with a finger or sth pointed dig or dig out with a finger or sth pointed, dig or dig out with a finger or sth pointed arrives Tuo of a few flesh, she resembles be being hit by lightning come from the start on the bed commonly, she is felt with the hand, feel the fleshy Tuo to him face clearly as expected, had had 56. Chen Li jumps down a bed, take skill machine and looking glass, borrow the light of the mobile phone to taking a looking glass, without the fault, the mole of 6 black grew again on her face, and each follow watermelon child euqally big! The brightness with ghastly mobile phone adds the mole on the face, chen Li feels guttural to one jams only, next she does an individual dizzy in the past. The morning has been when Chen Li wakes again, on the side of her the roommate round other, everybody is hanging fear on the face. Chen Li touchs his face subliminally, "Ah —— " old Lijian sound cries, she is quivering all over, within an inch of is spat come, she felt the thickly dotted mole on the face! Guo Xiaomei exerts all his strength pressing Chen Li, "Do not fasten confused …… unbearably " besides she also does not know what to should say. Chen Li's body is pressed, but the head still is in however,keep be being moved in disorder, her head from time to time develops Guo Xiaomei before, sticking almost with Guo Xiaomei's face, after a few take second place, guo Xiaomei unlocks Chen Li, run to the toilet Datute is spat rise. The Chen Li that stand up resembles going mad same, both hands is covering face, "I how, I how? " her hand dare not touch a face, she also does not feel delicate skin again, those raised mole are felt she

本文标题:镜子里的世界 - 故事大全

上一篇:水浒杀人事件 下一篇:秸秆婴灵


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